Cookie Usage Policy of CAMPUS Research Institute

Considering the provisions of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as respecting the right to private and family life, as provided in Article 26 of the Romanian Constitution, CAMPUS Research Institute has adopted this Cookie Usage Policy, which together with the Data Privacy Policy creates the framework for the proper functioning and use of the website

A cookie is a special, often encoded, text that is sent to a web browser by a web server and sent back by the browser each time the website is accessed, thus allowing the identification of a user/device. A cookie consists of two parts: the name and the content or value of the cookie.

This text is passive – it does not contain software programs, viruses, or spyware and cannot access information from the user’s hard disk.

Cookies themselves do not request personal information and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users.

2. What kind of information is collected?

The Google Analytics service is used to collect information such as the number of visitors to the site or to various pages of interest, the profile of these visitors – the IP address of a computer, the type of operating system used, the type of device from which a page was accessed, the type and version of the browser used, demographic data, if the user arrived at one of the CAMPUS Research Institute website pages by accessing an external link.

For information related to how Google Analytics collects and uses the collected data, please refer to the following web resources:

According to the mentioned Google Analytics policies: “Analytics offers the _anonymizeIp feature in the ga.js JavaScript library and ga(‘set’, ‘anonymizeIp’, true) in the analytics.js library, allowing site owners to request that all user IP addresses be hidden within the product. This feature is designed to help site owners comply with privacy policies or, in some countries, recommendations from local data protection authorities that may prevent storing the full IP address. IP anonymization/masking takes place as soon as the data is received by the Analytics collection network, before any storage or processing takes place.”

The CAMPUS Research Institute website uses this option to comply with current privacy policies.

Cookies used by the website

In the table below you will find the classification and description of the cookies used on this website:

Cookie Name Purpose Details
_gat_gtag_UA_116902199_1 These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. Google Policies
1P_JAR, CONSENT, NID Google sets a number of cookies on any page that includes a Google map. Google Policies
GPS, PREF, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE, YSC, CONSENT, S_GL, IDE YouTube may set cookies on the user’s computer once the visitor clicks on the YouTube video player. These cookies do not personally identify you unless you are already logged in to a personal Google account. YouTube Policies
_ga, _gat, _git, __utma These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the website. This information is combined with data from thousands of other visitors to create a global picture of site usage. The visitor is never individually or personally identified. Google Analytics

3. How does CAMPUS.PUB.RO use the collected data?

CAMPUS Research Institute uses the information in an aggregated form (no individual can be identified) to:

  • Create user profiles to tailor informational content
  • Audit website activity
  • Conduct academic analyses and evaluations

We use this information to constantly improve the user experience on the university’s website, to ensure and maintain website security. The information may also be used and disclosed in the event of an incident or security breach.

4. Protection of personal data

CAMPUS Research Institute has appropriate measures in place to ensure that users' website data is protected against unauthorized access, use, or modification, illegal or accidental destruction, and accidental loss.

CAMPUS Research Institute uses administrative, organizational, technical, and physical methods to ensure information security both on the CAMPUS Research Institute website and within the institution. Security measures are designed to maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

However, every user should be aware that there is always a risk of transmitting information over the Internet and should assume this risk.

5. Policy regarding minors (persons under 16 years old, according to EU definition)

The CAMPUS Research Institute website does not intentionally collect information from users under 16 years old. If a parent or legal guardian notifies CAMPUS Research Institute regarding the existence of such personal data, CAMPUS Research Institute will take all necessary measures to delete the information. If you believe that the CAMPUS Research Institute website has collected information from a person under 16 years old, please contact us at us using the contact form available at

6. CAMPUS Research Institute on social media

CAMPUS Research Institute is present on a series of media channels and social media environments to present its educational offerings, activities, and events within the institution. When you access one of the links leading to CAMPUS Research Institute’s presentation pages on social media or media channels, you may be identified through the personal profile you have on these services and you will be subject to the privacy and data usage policies of those companies.

The online media on which CAMPUS Research Institute is present, as well as their data privacy policies, are presented below:

There are several reasons why a cookie may be stored on your equipment after a visit to the site:

  • Cookies that make our site function correctly and allow you to use the secure online services provided by ro
  • Cookies that recognize your personal preferences when you return to our site and make it easier to use because they personalize the information you receive
  • Cookies that help ensure the rapid loading of your page content
  • Cookies that collect data about your use of our site and help us improve digital services

Cookies are placed on your device either by the site or by third parties whose services we use as part of the site.