EduFEST 2024

EduFEST 2024
🌟 EduFEST 2024 was an exciting experience for students from Nikola Tesla, Dante Aligheri, Central School, National College “Matei Basarab”, Edmon Nocilau, Luceafarul Secondary School, National College “George Coșbuc” and Technological High School “Ion I.C. Brătianu”! 🚀 The event took place at Politehnica Bucharest. In 🏢 CAMPUS research center we had offered to these curious young minds the opportunity to explore our state-of-the-art laboratories: 1️⃣ Electronic Microscopy lab - where they discovered the fascinating world of nanomaterials and electron microscopy. 2️⃣ AI multimedia lab - where they entered the universe of artificial intelligence and multimedia. 3️⃣ Future Networks 5G/6G lab - where they traveled to the future of 5th and 6th generation networks. 🎓 Education and innovation meet in a spectacular way at EduFEST, offering students the chance to connect with cutting-edge technologies and stimulate their creativity and curiosity. Congratulations to all participants for their enthusiasm and interest! 🌟
#CAMPUS #EduFEST #InnovativeEducation