

The SPIA-VA project is funded under research grant PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2016-02-0002, agreement 2SOL/2017 ( and is spanning over 36 months (Mai 2017 to April 2020).

It aims to develop intelligent systems for automatic person re-identification, detection of dissimulated behavior and speech analysis.


  • development of a system for automatic person re-identification which is capable to build a virtual profile of the target

  • development of a system for automatic detection of the dissimulated behavior which is capable to identify emotions

  • development of a system for automatic analysis of Romanian spoken language which would allow lipreading and voice-to-text

Contact Us

Address: Research Center CAMPUS, Splaiul  Independentei nr. 313, sector  6, Bucuresti, Romania

Telephone: + 4021-402 48 72
FAX: + 4021-402 48 21

E-mail: bionescu at alpha dot imag dot pub  dot ro