Prof. Dr.-Ing. Habil. Bogdan IONESCU

Coordinator of the Multimedia Lab, Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and Innovative Processes, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest.

Coordinator of the Video Processing Group, The Image Processing and Analysis Lab, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest.

Research interests: multimedia/video/image processing and analysis - multimedia content-based retrieval - machine learning for multimedia - multimedia benchmarking and evaluation - multimedia applications (e.g., video surveillance, lifelog, social media, medicine).

A Lip Reading Data Set for the Under-resourced Romanian Language

These data resources are designed to support research in the areas of computer vision and particularly automatic lip-reading algorithms. Two distinct collections are proposed: (i) wild LRRo data is designed for an Internet in-the-wild, ad-hoc scenario, coming with more than 35 different speakers, 1.1k words, a vocabulary of 21 words, and more than 20 hours; (ii) lab LRRo data, addresses a lab controlled scenario for more accurate data, coming with 19 different speakers, 6.4k words, a vocabulary of 48 words, and more than 5 hours. This is the first resource available for Romanian lip reading and would serve as a pioneering foundation for this under-resourced language. Nevertheless, given the fact that word-level models are not strongly language dependent, these resources will also contribute to the general lip-reading task via transfer learning.

Using the dataset:

If you plan to make use of the LRRo dataset, or refer to its results, please acknowledge the work of the authors by citing the following paper:

  1. A.C. Jitaru, Ș. Abdulamit, B. Ionescu, "LRRo: A Lip Reading Data Set for the Under-resourced Romanian Language", ACM Multimedia Systems - MMSys, June 8-11, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020 (6 pages, download draft PDF, link to ACM).

Andrei Cosmin Jitaru, Șeila Abdulamit, Bogdan Ionescu, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania.

This dataset was supported by the SPIA-VA Technologies and Innovative Video Systems for Person Re-Identification and Analysis of Dissimulated Behavior project, owner University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, partners UTI Grup, Romanian Ministry of National Defence — Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency, public beneficiary Protection and Guard Service, funded by UEFISCDI, Solutions Axis, grant 2SOL/2017.